JME Chemical Company Limited

Contact Us

Contact Us: Just one phone call or email to us, for a response back, normally within the same day.

JME Global Contacts

Global Headquarters


Hong Kong


JME Chemical Co., Ltd.

1 Queens Road East, Three Pacific Place, Wanchai

Hong Kong, SAR


Phone: +852 8124 5100

 Click here to email us

International Contact


Great Britain 


JME Chemical Co., Ltd.

P.O. Box 2334, Preston PR7 1NJ

Great Britain


Phone: +44 208 638 5830

  Click here to email us


Global Sales

International Sales and Exports

Hong Kong: +852 8124 5100

Pakistan: +92 42 3733 0867

 Click here to email us

Corporate Help and Technical Enquiries


Main Contact

Hong Kong: +852 8124 5100


 Click here to email us

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JME Chemical Company

Improving the way your crops grow

Our goal is to provide the best available crop supplement and liquid plant nutrients to every customer! Thanks for visiting the JME website. We hope you enjoyed your experience with us.


 Great Britain: +44 208 638 5830

 Hong Kong: +852 8124 5100

 Pakistan: +92 42 3733 0867

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